Die Follow Up Service
Let Hyson™ Validate Your Springs!
We recognize your concern for counterfeit products coming into your plants from outsourced tooling, as counterfeits represent significant safety risks to
your personnel.
Our Die Follow up Service was launched to ensure your dies contain Genuinely Hyson gas springs.
The service includes a Hyson technician going on site to the die builders
and validating all springs and flanges are Genuinely Hyson products.
What we need from you to perform this service:
1. Die builder name and contact information (phone number, address, name)
2. Die information (program number, number of dies etc.)
3. Timing (when the dies will be ready for inspection/when they will ship)
Email this information to your local Hyson sales representative or customer service location. Our team will follow up to schedule the service. Once service is completed you will receive a signed Inspection Report.